Sex & Love

Fifty First (J) Dates:Are You Dating A Russian Spy?

In light of all the hoopla regarding the sexy Russian spies that pop up every…

Fifty First (J) Dates: It’s Gotta Be Some Sort of Mid-Life Crisis Hot Tub Time Machine

To all of my loyal, die-hard, ripping-your-hair-out-because-you-already-beat-the-highscore-in-Snood-and-need-a-new-post fans, I am sorry for the delay. I…

The Sunday Mazel: Jews With Un-Jewish Names

You know that saying "a Jew is a Jew"?  We love that saying. But when…

I Should Have Been Chelsea Clinton’s First Jewish Love

I’m not sure what has been making me pull a Proust and reminisce so much…

Fifty First (J) Dates: The Fine Art of the Rebound

This was written by a good friend (and finally on Fifty First (J)Dates, a dude!) who…

Fifty First (J) Dates: The Chauvinist

My date was charming, chivalrous, and unfortunately, somewhat of a chauvinist. What I wore: Calvin…

The Sunday Mazel: A Couple of Nice Jewish Kids in The Bronx

Sometimes we hear about weddings that we’re jealous we can’t attend, and other times we…

Fifty First (J) Dates: You can Wipe now Mom

Multiple people emailed me an article that ran in the New York Post on Monday…