Sex & Love

Jewcy Holiday Party

Yet more pictures, many hazy, but not in an out-of-focus way, in a psychedelic, don’t-you-wish-you-were-there…

A Very Jewcy Date

Last week I kvetched whether or not my decision to be Jewish included an exclusivity…

The Matchmaking Gene

The most precious and irritating biological data God ever created, slithering around in the far…

A Reply To Rut: Why Jewish Dating Doesn’t Work

I have been following with amusement and bemusement the courtship ritual of Hebrewzzi in the…

To Date A Jew

A couple of years ago I decided to convert to Judaism. No, I didn’t do…

A Jewcy Affair in November

If there’s anything that brings Jews together, more than a birth, a wedding, or a…

The Peter Pan Myth

At the age of twenty-six or so, having noticed that he was obviously not a…

“The Kosher Sutra”: Kosher Or Treyf?

I’m a sex educator with a very liberal view (and a day job editing a…