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Are You Jewcy? We Think You Are!
Slut for Slicha
A Very Jewcy Rosh Hashanah
Snipped and Satisfied
Schtupless in Seattle
Gefilte Guilt
Messy Meshugane. Again.

Are You Jewcy? We Think You Are!

This year, Jewcy has been able to up the ante on all fronts, thanks to YOU! Let’s make that a trend – consider making a donation this month during our I Am Jewcy campaign to help support Jewcy all year long.

We want to keep sharing words of wisdom from celebrities like Sesame Street’s Grover. We want to keep debating what the top 100 Jewish Fiction Books are. We want you to send your crazy aunt a link to Jewcy’s crazy Purim cats – and we want to work together to make holidays more fun – like we did with the article, 10 Ways To Make Your Seder Not Suck.

You are Jewcy and we are thankful.

Donations large and small are welcomed and encouraged- and if you make a donation this month of $25 we will give you a free JDub Digital download (if you give more – you get more – click the donation banner below for details)!

We thank you for your support!

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