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You’re an angel!
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You’re an angel!

Today, my angels have instructed me to blog about them. Yikes! Did I just write that sentence and not delete it!? I am shocked to discover that I believe in angels! That they are a part of my daily life. And maybe even more shocked that as a Jew, I am allowed to.

I was under the impression that Jews did not believe in angels. I never heard anything about angels growing up. Angels seemed even more Christian than Jesus. Jesus, after all, had at least started out as a Jew. I didn't mind not having angels though. All that bad art made them seem hokey. If angels had any power at all, I figured that their "approved likenesses" would be better.

Then I moved from New York to Los Angeles. City of the angels. I wasn't thinking of it that way. I was thinking of it as the city of movie deals where my husband had just signed with a good writing agent. I didn't notice that the words agent and angel were very close and possibly related.

Soon after I moved, a friend gave me a pack of angel cards. Fortune cookie-sized, they seemed about as reliable. Each one had a tiny ugly drawing and one word. Efficiency. Humor. Transcendence. Healing. Etc. But I never actually put them away and one night heading out the door to some hideous comedy club gig I pulled one out and it had some good advice. And I got in the habit of pulling a card on my way out.

Still I did not really think actual angels actually had anything to do with the cards. I figured it was "the universe" speaking through the angel cards. Then I found myself in the lobby of the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas interviewing world-famous angel healer Doreen Virtue (long story). Like most healers she preferred healing to talking about healing. I told her I had a chronic pain in my back. She told me I had a "huge psychic dagger" in my back and would I like her to remove it? Um, yes! Pause pause. Ok, it's out. I felt light headed. Not all there. Better!

CURED! I didn't sleep at all that night, afraid if I did when I woke up the pain, which I'd had for years, would be back. But it wasn't. People say it was the power of suggestion. Maybe, but you know who else had suggested that this pain would be gone? Two accupuncturists, three massueses, a chiropractor, four yoga teachers and my Mom. So I had to open my mind to angels.

As it turns out Jews do believe in angels. But in Jewish writing the angels are fiery and masculine, not these mamby-pamby, de-sexualized Christian puff-balls. Half water, half fire. I love that!

The Hebrew word for angel, malakh, means messenger. And I am so much more open now to receiving their messages. One way I like to do it is to talk with my angels by using a pendulum. If you have never tried using a pendulum, it is really worth turning off your TV for. Even if you are not willing to go to angels, even if you think it is "your higher power". Even if you think it is "bio-feedback". Even if you think it is "bull shit". It can still help to understand what your questions are.

From what I understand about Jewish angels they are the "elohim". Elohim is also the third word in the Bible. Elohim also happen to be, according to some a race of aliens. Aliens, angels, angles of light. All messengers.

One other angel point. There is a new theory that our DNA code actually corresponds to the Hebrew alphabet, essentially spelling out "G-d within". If that is true, and angels are messengers of G-d, is it possible that we are all angels, and that to be an angel is to connect to the part of yourself that is a messenger from G-d, possibly one telling yourself to believe in angels?!

I'm going to ask the angels.

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