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Sunday Mazel: Women who Want to Marry Larry David

Welcome to our newest Sunday feature where Jewcy combs through the papers, looking for the best wedding announcment of the week.

This week, we’ve hit the jackpot by stumbling upon Julie Goldman (26) and David Weinfeld (27) in the Sunday New York Times.  This evening when Ms. Goldman and Mr. Weinfeld tie the knot in, it will all be based on what we would like to call the “Larry David Method.”

He called her the next day, and they saw each other twice that week. Soon, he was ready to employ a litmus test by inviting her to his apartment to watch “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” He says that he identifies with its creator and star, Larry David, and his fondness for the series is such that he chose a roommate at N.Y.U. at least in part because the roommate was also a fan.

To his delight, Ms. Goldman, who was not a regular viewer, quickly became one.

“He familiarized me with all his favorite episodes,” Ms. Goldman said. “David himself is like Larry in some ways. Watching the show was getting to know him.”

After reading that, we’re pretty sure of one of the following things:

A. Ms. Goldman is totally alright spending her future with a bald, misanthropic Jewish man.

B. Mr. Weinfeld is a hero to all bald (or balding), misanthropic Jewish man.

C. There is a type of woman that is aroused by a bald (or balding), misanthropic Jewish man.

Whatever the case may be, Mr. Weinfeld, we salute you for pulling off something we thought otherwise impossible: the Larry David Method.

Mazel tov to you both.

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