Ali Eteraz

Ali Eteraz, 28, is a contributor to Jewcy, where his focus has been on Islam and the Muslim world. He is working on a book entitled Children of Dust (forthcoming 2009). The late philosopher, Richard Rorty, called his writings "impressive."

He lives in Las Vegas, the East Coast and various unnamed locations.

63 Articles Published | Follow:
Sharia and the Archbishop of Canterbury

[Correction: Upon review of the audio of the interview, it turns out that Williams did…

Barbershop Barack

When I want my sideburns fixed and a nice shave with a razor, I go…

Will Canadian Muslim Lawyers Drop Complaint Now?

It would appear that Macleans Magazine, Canada, who got involved in some controversy with some…

Meditation Upon an Honor Killing

Recently, a Muslim girl was killed by her father for her refusal to wear a…

Soccer Jersey Insults Islamic Culture!

A Turkish lawyer is suing UEFA due to the fact that he feels that Inter…

Open Thread

 The political "left" can/cannot be separated from Marxism/Socialism.  

“Muslim!” Now Available In Insult Form

"Muslim!" is quickly becoming one of the worse insults to call someone. When a Presidential…

A Muslim Left

Recently, I finished a seven part series on Islamic reform at Guardian's Comment is Free.…