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The Two-Front War

While the Jewish Right draws outrage for U.S. foreign policy, it is the Jewish Left that pre-empts protecting our nation domestically. Obsessing against “xenophobia” and even the most nominal and reasonable profiling measures, the Jewish Left is in denial that we are, in fact, at war with a portion of Muslim adherents.

For the Left, since it is “not every Muslim,” there is no war.

Not every Muslim would agree with that assessment. For a significant segment of the Muslim population, there is definitely a war against Islam being waged. And for the radical Muslim, the U.S. offers greater opportunities for expressions of protest than their homeland (or their parents’ homeland) do.

Even a small fraction of highly motivated Jihadists is a grave domestic (and communal) threat, and the larger our population of devout Muslims, the larger the pool of radicals, and the harder it is to keep track of them.

This has not dampened the Left’s demand for ever-greater mass immigration, including from hostile Muslim countries. HIAS, the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, boasts of resettling refugees from Somalia–despite clear warning that elements from that community harbor radical leanings. The unwillingness to profile has also led to tragic consequences. There is a national and communal risk to expanding our Muslim population, and it is a risk that the Jewish Left assiduously denies and enables.

The Jewish communal infrastructure has sought to seek a balance between the larger Jewish Left and the more active Jewish Right. That balance has traditionally been to adopt and promote the foreign policies of the Jewish Right, and the domestic policies of the Jewish Left.

Both the Jewish Left and the Jewish Right think they are fighting the good fight. But together, they are fighting American interests.

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