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“This American Life” Gets Slurred
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“This American Life” Gets Slurred

I'm categorically opposed to all fonts that look like handwriting — I mean, seriously, Comic Sans, you're not fooling anyone — so I'm not a huge fan of the new ads for Showtime's television version of the radio show This American Life, which depict host Ira Glass with a cutesy little tag identifying him, as if a helpful imp had just graffitoed it on with a Sharpie. Plus I know messing with posters in the subway is a time-honored New York City art, even when the artistry consists entirely of drawing mini-peens on Jodi Applegate's neckerchief. But still: L-train riders of the East Village, the picture below has made me extremely disappointed in all of you.

(Wait! Is this maybe a statement about Jewishness and how we define it in our post-religious, post-nationalist era? About how any show that aims to analyze how we live now is, by its very nature, "a Jew of a TV series"? In that case, though, what's with the "queen" tag?)

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