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The Art of Will Deutsch
Slut for Slicha
A Very Jewcy Rosh Hashanah
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The Art of Will Deutsch

Growing up in the Orthodox and Conservative Jewish world, artist Will Deutsch remembers one constant factor that kept all Jewish homes he visited consistent – “Chagall prints, tacky abstract 80’s wall sculptures and pictures of frum Jews dancing and/or playing some sort of Klezmer instrument [hanging] in or around the bathroom.” These wall adornments, seemingly odd to anyone outside the Jewish community who likely did not grow up with a couch covered in plastic or decked with glitter glue were enough to push Will onto a different yet religious artistic path. On his website, Notes From The Tribe, Will posts a weekly drawing with some commentary, along with the encouragement from his followers to comment, share their thoughts and interact with the material. Here are a few of Will’s pieces that we feel speak to the sarcastic Jewiness we know and love – plus, we just think he’s pretty damn talented.

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