According to the New York Times, Mendel Werdyger, 52-year old Hasid with a "lush" beard, really likes fixing up old recordings of the legendary cantor Yossele Rosenblatt, and selling them as bootleg reissues that are blowing up all over Brooklyn:
"It never sounded so clear," said Bernard Beer, director of the Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University. "I was brought up with this music and I know those recordings from childhood, and I listened to it and I told my associate there’s no comparison to anything that was done before."
Having already moved 15,000 of the first CD, the series of Rosenblatt’s tunes is on it’s way, and as the Times article reports, there might be some Tupacesque/Yosef ain’t dead stuff going on:
The title of the Rosenblatt series is Od Yosef Chai, which means "Joseph is yet alive" and echoes the patriarch Jacob’s words in Genesis about his son. The double entendre suggests that Mr. Rosenblatt, whose formal first name was Joseph, has been brought back to life.
when i was still in high school, i always planned to take pyschology because it gives me great interest;