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Liking Stuff Is No Longer Only for White People
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Liking Stuff Is No Longer Only for White People

Got an ethnic or sexual identity? If so, then according to the Internet, you probably like stuff. Ever since Stuff White People Like became an overnight sensation, bloggers from all across the identity spectrum have been eager to put in their own two cents about, well, what stuff their people like. Any trendspotter now knows that when a few other people of the same race or sexual orientation like things, a website is the next inevitable phase. Just in case you don’t know how, for instance, your young Jewish adult friend might feel about you inviting her to a game of ultimate frisbee (LOVES it), or are in the mood for some awkward stereotype-based humor, here’s a roundup of some more stuff people like:

• For the temple youth group crowd, there’s Stuff Young Jewish Adults Like: (surprisingly?) similar to white people. Likes include Ironic Jewish Themed t-shirts, Isla Fisher, NPR, Taking Christ’s name in vain. My guess? The name of the blog is too unhip to have been written by a real “young Jewish Adult.” But I sort of want to own that T-shirt.

Stuff Black People Like is currently under construction and is operating in the meantime in blog form. Visitors to the site can learn about how much Black people love talent shows, Black Jesus, using the word “conversate,” “yo mama” jokes, and revolution, or they can participate in the ongoing discussion about what it means to be “Blaucasian.”

• If you are educated, Black, and feel that Stuff Black People Like does not represent your interests, you might find a cozy pigeon hole over at Stuff Educated Black People Like. This group digs wine and cheese affairs, Oprah, mega churches, jazz, fraternities and sororities, advanced degrees, poetry slams, CNN, and moving to Atlanta.

• Time to take it over to the Asian crowd with Stuff Asian People Like! I’ve got to say, this list reminds me of a lot of non-Asian people I know. According to the site, Asians are heavy into Dance Dance Revolution, higher education, house hunting, cutting in line, nagging, fortune cookies, eye enlargement, white girls, white guys, and peace signs.

• If you are of South Asian descent and hate DDR, you are in luck! Thanks to Stuff Desis/Brown People Like, you can finally have a forum to discuss you love of Niagra Falls, chai, Desi-White couples, staring, masters degrees, bargain hunting, friends, and cricket.

• For the LGBTQ crowd, don’t fret: you’ve got a site too! Stuff Queer People Like is the place to share your love of having emotionally unstable childhood best friends, finding excuses to wear short shorts, reading Queer subtext into things that are not actually Queer, and my personal favorite, off color humor as told by awkward white women.

The good news is that the trend seems to have run its course. Introducing the meme-ending Stuff Nobody Likes. Because no matter who you are, you definitely hate herpes, the G train, pedophiles, comic strips that don’t know when to quit, and “e-Mail ~~ FWDs!!!!!!!!!!111!!!”.

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