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MC Paul Barman Brings You Audioketubah
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MC Paul Barman Brings You Audioketubah

You’re getting married and filling out another registry for more silverware, spatula’s and bowls that you probably won’t ever use, and wondering to yourself if marriage just an excuse to get a bunch of crappy gifts?  Cue rapper, writer, and all around funny guy, MC Paul Barman with a brilliant and unique wedding gift that comes in the form of raps and drawings.  He calls it Audioketubah: a custom-made song/poem/rap written and recorded by Barman. Paul draws on his experience as a writer and interviewer for The Village Voice and Wired Magazine in order to pull out hilarious and tear-cracking stories about the newlyweds, via interviews with bride and groom as well as friends and family and then applies his un-matchable rhyme skills on top of it. In addition to the recording, the gift comes with a hand-written scroll.  

Barman decided to give the Ketubah, a traditional Jewish wedding contract that essentially outlines the rights and responsibilities of the bride and groom, a 21st Century makeover, and it’s caught the attention of some pretty important people


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