Been feeling like there’s something missing from your life? And might that something be a calendar featuring doughy Jewish men? On motorcycles? Holding cats? And did I mention that they’re naked? (The men, not the cats. Well…the men and the cats.) Look no further! For just $20, you can get a year’s worth of Hebraic hotness in the Semites on Bikes’ “Kitty Porn” calendar. The SOBs are a self-proclaimed group of "12 nude, middle-aged, mostly out-of-shape Jewish men discreetly covered by cats." Um, yeah. Want in on the foreskin-free action? Send an email to Semites on Bikes to order your calendar today. It might just make a great Father’s Day gift. If your father is gay. And weird. (Proceeds go to the Humane Society of Baltimore.)
Pussies on Parade, Perfect for Father’s Day?
June 12, 2008
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