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What’s That? A Jewcy Party Tonight? Oh, Awesome.

Calling all Jewcers! We are having a party! And it is TONIGHT!

Starting at 7:00, Author Adam Mansbach will be joining us for an exclusive chat about The End of The Jews, his new book about ethnic identity, music, and cross-generational ties.

He will be joined in discussion by Keith Gessen, editor in cheif of n+1 and contributor to the Atlantic, New York Magazine, Slate, and New York Review of Books.

Gessen says of the book, "When I hear the words multigenerational Jewish epic I usually reach for my yarmulke. But Mansbach creates something else here, and his novel makes for more tough-minded reading than we are used to on this subject…This is a heartfelt, truthful book."

Oh, and did we forget to mention that JDub will be providing the music for the evening? And that they're bringing some special guests (you didn't hear it from us.)

And if that wasn't enough enticement, our friends at Schmaltz Brewing are going to make sure the He'Brew is a-flowing.

So, do it! And before you head out the door, send a quick " "Hell yes, I will be there!" to

The party goes down at the Jewcy Bat cave, 45 Main Street, suite 613 in Brooklyn, NY.


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