BG is a professional blogger whose work has appeared on numerous sites from Rotten Tomatoes to PopMatters. She loves film, TV (yes "the boob tube"), and music and has critiqued on all three. In 2004, she published a book with Penguin on the hit reality TV show "The Apprentice". She realizes that was four years ago already and we live in fast times. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe and The Jerusalem Post. She writing can presently be found over at Jewlicious,'s blog, and an anonymous blog which will one day make her famous and supports her long-term goal of world domination of the blogosphere.

392 Articles Published | Follow:
Running Into That Wall Called Jew

A Korean comic book author who writes a series on foreign countries has been receiving…

Whitney’s Not The Only One Who Thinks Our Children Are Our Future

Looks like my apt. wasn't the only place that came under attack over the weekend.…

What’s The Appeal Of Stale Nuts And Beer?

Former Yankees player Ron Blomberg will be present at a press conference to announce the…

Jet Blue’s Future So Bitterly Painful They Need A Ski Mask

Jet Blue, otherwise known as the airline for those on a super tight budget, has…

Oh, How The Once Mighty Have Fallen

On behalf of the little people, Spike Lee directed this promo for the Oscars. Remember…

Shvitz Spritz: Viva L’Oscars!

Jerry Seinfeld is like an old friend and one that we should be seeing a…

How Jim Carrey Ruined My Night

I've been playing out last night's train of events over and over again in my…

Meet Larry Seidlin aka The Crazy, Weeping Judge From The Anna Nicole Smith Paternity Trial

Much footage has been posted on the judge overseeing the Anna Nicole Smith paternity trial:…