Gabriela Geselowitz

Gabriela Geselowitz is the former editor of, and a nerd-about-town.

307 Articles Published | Follow:
Get Political for Tu BiShvat

5 ways you can help (other than recycling).

Jewcy Has a Tumblr!

We are down with the memes and all that.

Kosher Cryptids?

‘The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals’ debates whether we can eat mermaids, jackalopes, and more.

5 Jewish Moments From the Super Bowl

From Gal Gadot to mezuzot.

Jews Writing Songs for ‘Supergirl’

Benj Pasek and Rachel Bloom contribute to the upcoming musical episode.

Beyoncé Expecting Twins; Is Like Rivka

So help us we will find a Jewish connection.

Abbi and Ilana Are Related!

The ‘Twice Removed’ podcast unearths the connection between the ‘Broad City’ gals.

Upcoming Jewish Broadway Shows

With bonus off-Broadway plays!