Gabriela Geselowitz

Gabriela Geselowitz is the former editor of, and a nerd-about-town.

307 Articles Published | Follow:
Andrew Garfield is Nominated for an Oscar!

And so is Natalie Portman!

Shia LaBeoufs’ Art Will Save Us

HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US runs continuously for the next 4 years.

The ‘Broad City’ Duo Gets You Through Today

Abbi and Ilana released a video for the Inauguration.

An Inauguration Fast?

One religious response to tomorrow’s event.

‘Will and Grace’ is COMING BACK

Get ready for ten more episodes!

Swastika Shoes Recalled


‘Good Cause’ To Overturn Israel’s Kotel Ruling

Some ideas if Bibi & Co want to fight the Supreme Court decision.

A Year in the Life of Amy Schumer

The ups and downs in the recent (and future) life of the comedian.