Shtickball: Sweepin’ Up the Chametz, Baseball Style

In the Passover spirit, we do some baseball cleaning.

The Cat Haggadah

Jewcy is proud to present the first ever Haggadah for felines, by felines.

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/This American Life Review: Know When To Fold

I’m filling in Bambi Schlomovich this week for the Ira Glass infatuation post. Mind you that just because I’m male, does not mean I’m any less infatuated with the bushy headed, strong chinned and Übermenschy Ira Glass.

Israeli Design: Niv Rozenberg’s Photographic Patterns

When the most ordinary things in life become art work, you know you have a winner. That’s what I felt when I came across Niv Rozenberg’s AutoMonuments series

Are You A Young Adam Sandler?

More stuff from the wild and wacky world known as the Jewcy editor inbox. It seems that Adam Sandler is looking for a few lookalikes for his upcoming film where he plays Andy Samberg’s father, “I Hate You Dad.”

Judy Chicago’s “The Dinner Party” As A Passover Seder

Judy Chicago’s “The Dinner Party” features an implicit Jewishness. For instance…

Shtickball: Jews and Baseball: Love at First Strike

It’s the great love story: Jews and baseball.

FFJD: I Sweat(pants) You

I pride myself on being put together. Fashion is something that I and a lot of women care about – but there is a large difference in dressing for women and dressing for men.