The Opinionated Jewish Man: How the Hell did This Book About Vampire Nazi Hunters Make it to Paperback?

I know a little about the publishing industry, and I know that a book has…

Brazillian Psychedelic Band Os Mutantes Must Really Like Jews

First they took DeLeon out on the road, and now it’s being announced that the…

Jewcy’s Fashion Week : Shopping In Your Closet

These past few weeks have been a big deal for more people in the fashion…

Woody Allen Talks to Newspaper, Kvetches, and Makes Self-Hating Jew Comment

If Woody Allen stopped complaining, playing the King Self-Hating Jew role, and making movies, he’d…

Barney’s Finally Recognizes Jews As Core Demographic

I’m not usually a fan of Barney’s all-too-frequent email blasts, but the one I got…

A Hans Keilson Primer

The Death of the Adversary by Hans Keilson has crawled to the top of my…

Jewcy Aligns Itself With Highbrow Author

Rachel Shukert puts out a book, then Rachel Shukert gets “Highbrow” in the always important…

@Israel is now Owned by Israel, Bought From Pornographer

If in the last three years you’ve tried to find the official Twitter account of…