The Big Jewcy: Drew Snyder, Painter and Director of The Andrews Gallery

To be honest, Drew Snyder is an old friend of mine.  He is kind and…

Exclusive: Interview with Long Dead Yale University Press Founder

I was walking down Market Street in Paterson today with Herb and he says to…

The Big Jewcy: Sam Apple, Adam Wilson, & Adam Baer of The Faster Times

Sam Apple is sure there is still a profit to be made in journalism, and…

The Big Jewcy: Ari Shapiro, NPR Correspondent

Hailing from Fargo, North Dakota, by way of Portland, Oregon (yes there are apparently Jews…

The Big Jewcy: Dan Wolf, Actor/Rapper/Playwright

Dan Wolf is a product of the Bay Area;  an actor, rapper, playwright and performer.…

The Big Jewcy: Jesse Rifkin, Musician – The Wailing Wall

Jesse Rifkin is the musical genius and multi-instrumentalist behind the "The Wailing Wall."  While Jesse…

The Big Jewcy: Myq Kaplan, Comedian

Find whatever Bar Mitzvah after party Myq Kaplan is going to and ride wingman as…

The Big Jewcy: Stephanie Rosen, Myspace Music Manager, Promotions & Events

No matter what social networking trends say, Myspace has reshaped the way the music industry…