The Weekly Yiderati: Rolling at BEA, Loving Shel Silverstein, Daniel Handler’s Memory and More

The Sisterhood talks to American Taliban writer, Pearl Abraham.  The author discusses her Hasidic upbringing:…

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/This American Life Roundup:”Island Time”

Stationed in New Orleans this week for debauchery training, I’ve appropriately plugged in to another…

Tinariwen: The Best Thing to Wander out of the Desert Since the Ancient Hebrews

Tinariwen is making their way across the United States this summer, after taking part in…

Jewcy Review: “The Clock Without a Face”

This very instant, as you read this, intelligent, honest citizens all across America are digging…

Pwning The Music Industry: An Interview with Jeff Rosenstock AKA Bomb The Music Industry

Who knows how most people get into the music that they do these days?  MTV…

Is Goldy Lox the Greatest Female Jewish Rapper Ever?

Our friends at Crushable tipped us off to this.  Usually we would say “nope” to…

Regina Spektor Will Rock Barack

President Obama is going to make the Jews love him if it’s the last thing…

The Awesomeness of Nick Gazin

Nick Gazin’s artwork is equal parts Mad Magazine, Gary Panter and Raymond Pettibon. Doesn’t that…