Book Club: I Have Fun Everywhere I Go

Mike Edison, author of I Have Fun Everywhere I Go, has spent the past two…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: MacDonald’s Removes Transfat, Gayness From its Menu

• A prominent Christian activism group feels its safe to go back to McDonald’s after…

Book Club: Jewish Wisdom for Business Success

Good Friday Jewcers!  We’ve come to the end of another week-long ride on the Wall…

Tough Guys Dance At Bar Mitzvahs

The tribe lost some of its street cred this week, as pioneering sports handicapper and…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: Christians Love Israel, Armenians Not So Much

  • In a banner moment for cultural relations, 3,000 Christians gathered for a march…

Sick Beatniks Confront Racist Bubbes and Coke Sniffing Republicans

Come children, let me dandle you on my knee as I tell you savage tales…

Jewish Wisdom for Recession-Proofing Yourself

So now we know for sure that consumers are buying less and it seems clear…

Angetevka Days

I met him first in Jerusalem, and then not again for another twenty years. We…