How Atheism Poisons Everything

Celebrity atheists abound these days. They move a lot of literary product and enrich themselves…

St. Louis 6th Graders Celebrate “Hit a Jew Day”

From the AP: It began with an unofficial "Spirit Week" among sixth-graders that started harmlessly…

Money Almost Completely Worthless In Zimbabwe

In case there was any confusion over whether or not Africa was fucked up beyond…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: Kim Jong Doing His Torture Thing, A Nod for Obama, and the Rise of Caesar in NYC

Four students have been suspended from Parkway West Middle School in Chesterfield, Missouri after innocently…

For Germans, Schvitz Is A Science

Well, it’s a foggy day here at the Castle. Perfect opportunity to head to the…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: Economic Delusion, Italy’s Inability To Shake Facism and Pirates, Pirates, Pirates!

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway scooter, has his sights set on helping the world’s…

IDF Making a Mess in the Negev

As if there weren’t enough forces out there trying to destroy Israel, you can add…

The New Germany

So I am living in Germany under somewhat unusual circumstances. That is, I’m living in…