Letter from Jew-neau (Part IV): In Which the Author is Saved

So there I was, bent over backward in a marble cistern, two Aryan bodyguards holding…


Todd Hasak-Lowy’s first novel will be published in October. Its title is Captives and its…

Letter from Jew-neau (Part III): In Which Sarah Palin Reveals Her Breasts and Her Plans for the Jews

A lot of people are emailing me, texting me, Skyping me. A few want more…

The Protocols: Like Medieval Poland, the American South is Desperate for Jews

Well folks, my summer of traveling just ended with a brief visit to my ancestral…

New Worthy Reads

Hey there, bookworm! Come on in and thumb through New Worthy Reads, Jewcy’s slideshow gallery…

Letter from Jew-neau (Part II): In Which the Author is Hunted, Tortured, and Brought to Climax

“A little to the left,” Sarah said. “A little more. Left! Left! Yes, that’s perfect.…

Letter from Jew-neau (Part I): Sweet, Crude Sex with Sarah

Dear Jewcy, Thanks for inviting me to be a guest blogger! I have to admit,…

The New Jew Canon: The Book of Jewish Food

The New Jew Canon is a long-term project that seeks to canonize essential Jewish (and…