The Brooklynites

A complex and quixotic urban animal found ranging across southeast New York City, the Brooklynite…

Book Club: Fitting in Is Overrated

To thine own self be true. But can you do that while still being a…

Speak Up: Asking for Forgiveness for Approval-Seeking

During Selichot services this Saturday night and at the High Holy Days in a few…

The Rosh Hashanah Dinner Challenge: Win Prizes for the Greenest Menu

The Jew & the Carrot is holding a contest to see who can create the…

A Call for a New Jewish Custom: Bar and Bat Mitzvahs Every 18 Years

Like many Jews, I don’t procrastinate–I put things off right away.  This is especially true…

Philip Roth’s Righteous Indignation

Standing over her father’s casket after the slow but steady unraveling of his wits and…

Roots Vs. Suits: What I Learned from Alex Haley

Have you ever met someone whose amazing courage to be authentic and decent gave you…


My friend, Sophie, who I met in Israel during college, fled her abusive husband and…