How Long Before A Great New Idea Bears Fruit?

In 1992, exactly 350 years after Galileo died under house arrest and suffered excommunication for saying…


Todd Hasak-Lowy’s first novel will be published in October. Its title is Captives and its…

Have You Ever Strayed From the Tribe? If So, Yasher Koach!

Are you a Jew who sometimes strays?  Or do you know someone who is constantly…


The recent blockbuster report in The New York Times that Julius Rosenberg really did spy…

Book Club: Walking Through Walls

Smith, an artist and former managing editor of GQ magazine, reflects on his youth in…

Now That Jews Can Mingle, Should We Partake?

So I was watching Senator Joe Lieberman on television at the Republican convention the first…

POEM: Between Thursday and Friday

All night I dreamed of the border regions of being. When I awoke, I remembered…

Girls In Flight

Flying the friendly skies, Brian Finke began photographing flight attendants as he crisscrossed the country…