Jewish Food

Another Thanksgivukkah Parody Video

Only two million more to go until next Thursday

Not Your Bubbe’s Stuffed Challah French Toast

It’s the perfect post-Shabbat meal

The Knish Comeback

After a factory fire at Gabila’s Knishes, the doughy dumpling went on a six week hiatus

Not Your Bubbe’s Thanksgivingukkah Meal

Prepare for the meal that won’t come around again for over 70,000 years

Not Your Bubbe’s Tuna Salad

Enjoy as an appetizer to your Shabbat meal

A Documentary about Tom’s Diner is Finally Here

If you’ve never seen the diner in person, you’ve certainly seen it on ‘Seinfeld’

Ben & Jerry’s New ‘Anchorman’ Themed Ice Cream Flavor is Here

Ron Burgundy would be very proud

Squash Pie For National Dessert Day

Because you deserve a treat