The ‘Entourage’ Movie Gets the Green Light

There are some people who care, probably

No Halloween Costume for Woody Allen

Famous people can just dress as themselves…

Paula Abdul is Getting Bat Mitzvahed in Israel

“I Took 2 Steps Forward and 2 Steps Back at Paula Abdul’s Bat Mitzvah”

Season Three ‘Homeland’ Recap: ‘The Yoga Play’

Everyone is alone…

‘Sesame Street’ Does ‘Homeland’

And it’s called ‘Homelamb’…you’re welcome

A Documentary about Tom’s Diner is Finally Here

If you’ve never seen the diner in person, you’ve certainly seen it on ‘Seinfeld’

Grantland’s New ’30 for 30′ is about Wilt Chamberlain’s Borscht Belt Past

You’ll learn all about Wilt the Stilt’s stint at Kutsher’s

Simon Cowell Donated a Ton of Money to the IDF

He also, allegedly, sang the ‘Power Rangers’ theme song