Lance Bass Directs Sweet Short Film to Celebrate LGBT History Month

You’re the best, Lance

Some Jewish Billionaires Award Billionaire Bloomberg a Million Bucks

What should he do with the money?

A Metric System To Evaluate Television Shows

A service for figuring out whether the show you’re enjoying is actually good

Listen to Scarlett Johansson Talk About Healthcare

Her message will be playing at various Planned Parenthoods

Happy 27th Birthday, Drake!

May all your wishes come true

Watch Conan O’Brien Interview the One and Only Mel Brooks

Then watch all of Brooks’ movies back to back

Will We See Lena Dunham on the Cover of Vogue?

It’s still a rumor, but let’s hope so…

Ben & Jerry’s New ‘Anchorman’ Themed Ice Cream Flavor is Here

Ron Burgundy would be very proud