The passion for social justice is, thankfully, not limited to rabbis. The work of tikkun olam requires partnership between professionals and lay people.
Jewish social action requires us to locate our spiritual power. Anyone can set out to make the world a better place, a friendlier place, a more peaceful or equitable place. As a Jewish leader it is my relationship with God and my people that brings deeper meaning and purpose to my quest for justice.
Episode number 6 of the final season of Big Love aired last night under the title D.I.V.O.R.C.E and acronym-ization of the word “divorce” was only one of the many puzzling things that took place in last night’s episode.
At this point everybody realizes that Helen Thomas is a crazy old person who makes stupid, anti-Jewish remarks, so the natural thing to do would be to put her on Joy Behar’s television show, so she could make a fool of herself a little bit more.