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Daily Jewce: Henry Winkler May Play Aging Porn Star, Honoring MCA in the Senate, and more
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Daily Jewce: Henry Winkler May Play Aging Porn Star, Honoring MCA in the Senate, and more

• Israeli doctors removed a toothbrush from the stomach of a 24-year-old woman who had accidentally swallowed it two days earlier.

• Henry Winkler is in talks to play an aging porn star in new Broadway comedy, “The Performers.”

• Did Mario Batali’s partner in NYC eateries Babbo, Del Posto, and Eataly, invent the everything bagel? If so, how do we thank him?

• Jewcy’s Margarita Korol offers some helpful ideas for a new flag for Greece’s neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn (which recently won seven percent of the vote in Greece’s national election).

• Here’s Senator Daniel Squadron introducing a resolution honoring Adam Yauch, the late Beastie Boy and activist who grew up in Squadron’s Brooklyn district:

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