Andy Alpern, Fisherman
Andy Alpern is a photographer, peace activist, and mentsh who lives in Amirim, a small moshav outside of Tsfat in the north of Israel. He’s known for his panoramic shots of famous and not-so-famous places in Israel. When I last spoke with Andy, he was heading up to check on his gallery in Tsfat in the wake of the bombings of the holy city, courtesy of Hezbollah. I asked him if he could take some shots of the devastation so we could run them in Zeek, but I haven’t heard from Andy since he left. I assume he’s okay.
In the meantime, this image of a fisherman standing on the piers, with Tel Aviv’s skyline in the background, always struck me as a poignant evocation of some of the contrasts of Israel: old and new, personal and technological, quaint and modern. There has always been something a little precarious, too — and yet also resolute. Unshakable, even if he shouldn’t be, and even if he’s growing a little fatter around the middle. I don’t know him, but I bet he has opinions on where to get the best hummus in town.
– Jay Michaelson
More cover art: Jenny Krasner, Power Play X
Zohar Nir-Amitin, unexisted things exist in my head
Ahron Weiner, Ad Infinitum #167
Melissa Shiff, The Medium is the Matzo
Lilian Broca, Queen Esther
Doug Fogelson, Deluge
Peter Azrak, untitled
Art. Lebedev, New Candles
Ron Pokrasso, Altered Tune With A Connection To St. Johns Place
Anonymous, Shofar Kid
Gene Feldman, Color Test
Patricia Albouhair-Taieb, Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain
Mina Dareshet, Ocean
Mindy Stricke, Self-portrait
Jesse Mintz-Roth, untitled
Lynne Marie, Movement
Bill Bragg, Defending the Post
Jay Michaelson, Nighttime road
Allyson Grey, Magic Square
Shirah Rachel Apple, Alef 2
David Katz, The Evil Bush Administration
Lauren Curtis, Flora meets Arcadia
John Hall, Untitled
Pamela Yates, Summer Sleeping
Paul Mindell, Greens, Jeans, and InBetweens
Jay Michaelson, Mayflowers
Bara Sapir, untitled
Bara Sapir, untitled
Jay Michaelson, Ice Tree Jay Michaelson, untitled
Jay Michaelson, Eldorado Chanukah
Jose Campos, III, untitled Jay Michaelson, Shofar Kitsch
Mica Scalin, Plates
Mica Scalin, Untitled
Jay Michaelson, Go in Peace
Mica Scalin, Hope
Mica Scalin, Plague Cookies
Jay Michaelson, The Park in Winter
Hi – great site although some of the images don’t seem to be showing right for me. Probably my old computer!