Beth Young’s article (free, but you have to register) looks at Paul’s “loyal, albeit small, Jewish following.” According to Jim Perry, the 22-year-old head of Jews for Ron Paul, Libertarianism and Orthodox Judaism share an emphasis on personal responsibility:
"It's the idea that people are meant to be equal and free in a just society. Those are the same things that draw me to be an observant Orthodox Jew," said Perry, who commands an Internet forum whose advisers include political and law professors spanning the country. "I believe Judaism puts strong emphasis on individual meaning, personal responsibility," he said, adding that God "calls us to take responsibility for our own actions."
Perry says he’s aware of the controversy over neo-Nazi groups supporting Paul, but adds that he’s befriended—and possibly reformed—at least one white supremacist through his work on the campaign:
"Here I am a kipah-wearing, fringes-hanging Orthodox Jew and he had a tattoo with the National Alliance. He starts to see me as a human being," Perry said. "I've met him seven times, and I've gotten him to drop the title of white supremacist. He's getting his tattoo covered up. I think that freedom message, when really taken seriously, brings us together. I would be very comfortable inviting him over for Shabbos dinner."