In his second dispatch from Buenos Aires Judio y caliente, David Shneer walks by the local Holocaust museum and wonders when concrete barricades and glowering armed guards became the new peyes and kippot. Then he’s off to pay his respects at the site where the Israeli embassy was blown up in 1992, fifteen years ago from yesterday. And then he watches a protest led by an Argentine hero who may unfortunately be an antisemite, and then…OMG, if Jewcy’s own New Jew Superhero can’t have a blast in Buenos Aires, what hope is there for the rest of us? Read it here.
New in Jewcy: Buenos Aires, Bombings, and Barricades
March 19, 2007
Hi, do you have a facebook fan page for your blog?.~”-~
of course when you dont have time to cook, fastfoods would always be the best option”