It’s probably somewhere along the lines of confessing to a social disease to love Mr. Wiggles, but god, I do anyway. Mr. Wiggles is an adorable, fuzzy teddy bear, who love molestation, ultra-violence, and crack. He’s also the brainchild of cartoonist Neil Swaab. Swaab started his comic strip, Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles, while studying art at Syracuse. He landed a spot in the New York Press shortly before moving to the city. For the next several years, Wiggles reigned supreme on the Press’s pages. Over coffee, Swaab told me that, not liking NYC, he tried his best to ruin his good name. Instead he made his career. The same editor who hired me at the Press gave Swaab the boot, but Wiggles continues to spread havoc in newspapers across the country, staring in two books in the process.
Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles
March 16, 2007
it does not take too long to learn good piano playing if you have a good piano lesson*