USA Today has a searching analysis, complete with timeline, of the "eyelinered, tattooed R&B sensation" whose antics make "reformed bad girl Courtney Love [seem] hatched from a Jane Austen novel." On the bright side, according to Blender Editor in Chief Joe Levy, Amy "has the good fortune of going through this while Britney Spears is making her look like Annette Funicello." How will Amy's position on the Courtney-Britney-Annette-Jane spectrum affect the odds of her actually snagging any of the six Grammys she's nominated for? Maybe not at all: "The album is still a classic, no matter what happens in her personal life or how sad or ridiculous her image becomes," says Entertainment Weekly music critic Chris Willman. Besides, Grammy voting closed Jan. 9 — before anyone saw that video of Amy allegedly smoking crack.
Today In Amy Winehouse: Her Grammy Odds
by Emily Gould
January 29, 2008
I’ve writers block that comes and goes and I need to find a way to get rid of my writers block. It can occasionally be so bad I can barley make sentences. Any tips?