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Celebrate Shavuot With Cambodian Surf Rock

Three reasons we like the idea of DAWN ’08, the all-night Shavuot celebration sponsored by the New Jew group Reboot:

  1. It’s not on Hanukkah or Passover. Both holidays have been co-opted by a ton of Jewish organizations running “fun” events for young, curious, marginally affiliated Jews, but Shavuot never gets any love.
  2. It’s in San Francisco, thereby disproving the general misconception (at least among New Yorkers) that New Jew culture only exists in NYC.
  3. It features Dengue Fever, the Cambodian surf rock band we profiled way back in January of last year.

This year, DAWN coincides with the opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum’s new Daniel Libeskind–designed building. It takes place June 7, and you can find out more about it here.

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