On Monday Amy and I had coffee in Chicago, and we also met up with an old writing friend of mine who currently works for a bread company supervising the line at a factory where they make rolls. Several types of rolls are made at the factory, and among other things, the rolls are certified kosher. A rabbi stops by to check things in the factory every once in a while, and my friend shook his head while explaining that the rabbi was generally bribed with both money, and baked goods. The plant is plenty kosher, but without a hefty donation and some doughnuts, the rabbi won’t give his stamp of approval. Part of me would like to do some research and report this particular rabbi to the kashrut organization to which he belongs. But I’m not sure anything would happen then. And I wonder if the company would lose it’s hasgacha as a result, thus rendering its products unkosher to a large community of Orthodox Jews in the area. That seems morally iffy, though of course I think the rabbi in question is on much less stable ground than I am. I honestly don’t know who should be in charge of investigating this kind of thing, (you’d think the Chicago Jewish News would be a good place to start, but it’s about the worst Jewish paper I’ve ever read) and I can’t figure out what the potential fall out—both good and bad—would be if I made things public. This kind of kashrut dilemma is not uncommon. Check out the great post about the kashrut business at UnOrthodox Jew, and some discussion over at Orthomom, too. There’s also A Mashgiach Speaks Out, but he sometimes gets a little too shrill for my taste. Anyway, I’m interested to hear what you guys think I should do.
Corrupt Kashrut: A Dilemma
by Tamar Fox
October 25, 2007
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