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Shocker: Jews Shouldering Blame for Economic Crisis

Given the classic anti-Semitic mantra that the Jews control the world’s money, it is only natural that the current class of anti-Semites are upset that those same Jews are currently doing a lousy job of controlling the world’s money. (What the Rothschilds could teach BearSterns!)  But what distinguishes this latest cycle of blaming bank failure on the tribe is the rapidity with which all the old paranoid themes have spread via the instantaneous medium of the Internet.

An emerging player in the world of virtual pogromism is, a U.S. portal that felt the need to mention in its “About” section:

“We have been accused of being neo-Nazis, Communists, anti-Semites, Christian haters, certainly not Bush friendly and guilty of treason, aggravated mopery, theft of mattress tags from cheap motels, chronic jaywalking and disturbers of the political peace.”

According to an article in the Jewish Community Online, TBRNews published a story on Friday, October 3 entitled, "$400b Sent To Israel Ahead Of Lehman BK," with the byline “The Voice of the White House.” The story reported that just before its collapse, the Lehman Brothers investment banking firm transferred $400 billion into Israeli banks, while also taking care to note that “The senders are all Jewish,” and "if the sticky-fingered ones decide to make a quick flight to Israel ahead of FBI investigators, like their new accounts, they are entirely safe," as "Israel does not extradite its citizens."

Pretty humdrum as far as web-savvy bigotry is concerned — except that the "story" was picked up by a Pakistani television program and reported it as fact. The ADL has reported a recent uptick in anti-Semitic comments being posted on a "wide variety of blogs and conspiracy Websites," and not just the usual fringe message boards. Some of the highlights include:

“(Jews have) infiltrated Wall Street and government and have ruined our country.”

“They (Jews) love money nothing else, no faith or religion can be so heartless to their victims."

“That’s how they work, they short the stock all the way making billions and then cover right it up sell (sic) and then taxpayers to the rescue and it is true all those institutions are ran by Jews…”

Wow. At least the spelling in the Protocols was impeccable.

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