Bring Back ‘Parade’

Now, more than ever, is the time to revive the musical about Leo Frank.

The Premiere of ‘Roxy and Eli Date the Shit Out of New York City!’

Exploring the world of dating together (but not, together-together).

The Best Fake Kabbalah in Japan

How the Shin Megami Tensei games make appropriating Jewish culture fun.

‘Destination Unknown’

A conversation with the director, the producer, and the incredible subject of this new documentary that serves as a reminder that the Holocaust is still relevant today.

HelloFlo, the Book

The period company has a new puberty book for girls. But its bias is clear.

Staving Off the Darkness— Again

New klezmer group Tsibele reminds us that we’ve been here before.

Other Israel Film Festival Spotlight

A look at the two films bookending this year’s showcase of movies representing the ‘rest’ of Israel.

The Parashot in Watercolor

The weekly art of Starr Weems.