Israel Gets Porkier

It seems the current cultural trend of Jews openly celebrating their love of pork, opening…

Boyfriend and Girlfriend Discuss Glee: The Britney Episode

Last night was the much anticipated “Britney Spears” episode of Glee.  Here, boyfriend and girlfriend…

Man Writing Book Wants Christopher Hitchens to Die Soon

Over at The Faster Times, a piece titled “Why It Would Be Better if Christopher…

Roger Waters Can No Longer Rock but is Quite Adept at Israel Bashing

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, known for his multilayered psychedelic rock compositions and his inability to…

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/This American Life Roundup: Crybabies

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do," said Ben Franklin back…

Jewcy Interviews: Jukebox the Ghost

The day after indie piano pop stars Jukebox The Ghost played The Tonight Show, I…

6 Baseball Books to Read Instead of Watching the Major League Baseball Playoffs

My predictions for the final outcome of the 2010 MLB season are dire.  Either: The…

Albert Brooks: Genius

2 things: 1. Albert Brooks is one of the most underrated comedic minds ever.  …