Sex & Love

The Heretic: How the Law of Lashon Hara Has Been Dangerously Perverted By Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis

A young boy is called up to his teacher’s desk in a yeshiva grade school.…

Forget JDate and eHarmony. Try GenePartner.

The incessant human search for love has led us here, to these embryonic days of…

The Jewcy Guide To: Breaking Up

Welcome to the Jewcy Guide to Breaking Up, where you'll be ushered through a universally…

Monogamy And Monotheism

  I so want to be in love To believe monotheistically in you, that you…

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Throws On His Burqa

I was both amused and irritated by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's recent article at the Huffington…

Live Blogging the First Day of Gay Marriage in California

Monday, June 16, 5:01 p.m.: Robin Tyler and Diane Olsen, who won their California Supreme…

I Need A New Hymen, STAT!

The most popular article at the right now is about Muslim women in Europe…

The Novel Adventures of a Jew During Fleet Week

My mother recently learned how to text-message. She’s addicted now, and several weeks ago, I…