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Mark Winograd
Slut for Slicha
A Very Jewcy Rosh Hashanah
Snipped and Satisfied

Mark Winograd

I came to photography quite by accident. I was out of high school, no job,
no prospects, and was hitchhiking across the country. In Abilene a woman
picked me up. “Where you going young man?” “Seeing the country,” I said.
I ended up in Kilgore, Texas, as her assistant in her photography studio.
We did everything but bar mitzvahs; no Jews in Kilgore. I learned
photography from the ground up. Too confining, though. Had to move on.
Wanderlust, something I’ve always had. Maybe its kept me from becoming
famous. Have this need for the perfect picture, the perfect scene, the
perfect sunset. Haven’t found any of them yet, but keep looking.
Photography has been good to me. Met kings, queens, and presidents. I’ve
never been able to settle down in one place, and I’ve never developed one
“artistic style”. The best you could say is inconsistent and peripatetic.
Can’t worry about gallery based art world. I simply try to see beauty in
everything. Got to keep moving, place to place, style to style. Hope you
guys enjoy my work.

You can view some more of my work here.

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