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Mary & Joseph: The Conscientious Objectors

The Independent posed the question, "What would the Virgin Mary encounter if she and Joseph headed towards Bethlehem today?" In his blog, Laurence Simon responds to this question in a modern day context. Here's a brief intro to whet your appetite:

Now, if they [Mary and Joseph] were far-left anti-Zionist self-loathing Jews like Adam Shapiro, well, they'd be in Bethlehem protesting the Separation Barrier. Probably facing down soldiers and border police in protests every day, throwing rocks and providing a front line from which Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, and Fateh snipers could attack. Maybe Mary, despite her gravid condition, would attempt to attack a riot policeman, end up miscarrying the Baby Jesus. Nice going, Joseph, letting the women pregnant with your baby and the so-called Messiah miscarry and kill the Baby Jesus.

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