You know you're scraping the bottom of the pop culture barrel when Pat Benatar's "Love Is A Battlefield" is a nominee for "Worst 80's Video." Not in a decade that saw Sting skank around a blackened sound stage of candelabra (before donning a wing-tip diaper for Dune), and Grace Jones do her female sequoia stomp (before fucking James Bond.)
So: Introducing Jewcy's response to Andrew Sullivan's "Worst/Best 80's Video" contest. Our's is… well, frankly, I'm not sure what it is. It goes temporally beyond the 80's, for one thing. (T-Rex, anyone?) But we're offering you the Nagel print variation on a theme, the metrics being: Is It Bad, Is It Good or Is It Just Unignorable?
First contender: Duran Duran's "New Moon on Monday." Who knew you could exit an East Berlin cabaret, motorcycle through Iowa, then wind up in a fascist-overrun Amsterdam, all in the easy transition from verse to chorus? RyanAir's got nothing on LeBon Travel.
good article, thanks a lot