Of what does this photo remind you?
She looks like a politician's wife, which is what I've said Paris Hilton will wind up as in due course. After her pop album debuted, and friend-of-Jewcy Jody Rosen gave it a reluctant thumbs up, I wrote this:
[G]ive her another decade and Paris is going to be Lynne Cheney. She's just working it all out of her system, see. The shock factor is now at that delicate stage of being subsumed by… merit. Soon it's the "please don't hold my youth against me" plaint, the deep reflections on a gadarene dip in national morality (for which she was partly responsible) and then all-out cultural conservatism. But the process has begun. She's already somewhere between Calvin Klein commercial and Chris Isaak dune romp. Just look:Compare this to the pea-gree ragdoll treatment by King Solomon from a few years back.
Now she's been in the clink and the process has redoubled its pace. She'll be testifying before a Senate subcomittee on behalf the v-chip and school prayer. Five years. Tops.
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