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The Unoriginal George Soros
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The Unoriginal George Soros

I knew George Soros' comment, cited by Marty Peretz, that what America required was a "certain de-Nazification" was hardly inventive. Inexpensive talk like that never is. Like our quaint evolutionary forebears, tirelessly clacking away at a thousand typewriters, Soros simply hit upon an old line from a major author. Best of times, not really. Worst of Noam Chomsky, for sure. In his first political tract, American Power and the New Mandarins, Chomsky wrote that in the wake of the nuclear annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he had his formative epiphany that democracy was a hornswaggle run by corporate-industrial murderers. What American needed most was a "kind of denazification."

Chomsky's book came out in 1969. Since then, all the steroidal muscle of his moral equivalence has atrophied by his defense of Robert Faurisson, whom he described as a "a kind of apolitical liberal" (what is it with a lefty linguist who hedges with wish-washy modifiers like "kind of" all the time?). Chomsky not only defended Faurisson's right to deny the Holocaust, as he should have, but colored the lately anointed guest of the Islamic Republic a noble scholar pursuing historical truth, harried by right-wing censors beholden to Israel and international Zionism.

So real Nazism isn't quite so bad as the American version, which we've got to be rid of — or had to, at any rate.

Thanks to Nick Cohen, whose excellent polemic, What's Left?: How Liberals Lost Their Way, tipped me off to the Soros plagiarism.

RELATED: Soros on AIPAC [Daily Shvitz]

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