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The Facebook-Invited Wedding Guest
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The Facebook-Invited Wedding Guest

Having nearly two thousand "friends" on Facebook has many perks. I can stalk girls, stalk girls for friends of mine and work on my unbelievable Jewish geography skills – because, hey, I know everyone. Having that many friends on Facebook has another perk which most people never even think about, and that is being invited to hundreds of random events, of which I have attended maybe a handful.

I have wondered what would happen if I would just show up at some wedding, engagement party or bridal shower, unannounced, what would happen? I can just imagine, the looks a bunch of peoples’ faces as they wondered why a guy they had never even seen before has come bearing gifts to a bridal shower?

Girls: Hey who’s that guy, what’s he doing here?

Other Girls: I have no idea

Girls: Excuse me, what are you doing here?

Me: You invited me on Facebook.

Has anyone ever done this? It’s almost like a high-tech version of Wedding Crashers, except you were actually invited. Granted, the person doing the invites probably didn’t think that clicking the "invite all friends to this event" button would actually matter. Who on earth shows up to a family affair that they were invited to on Facebook, if they aren’t part of the family?

As my network on Facebook begins to grow, I begin to see more and more temptations regarding experimenting with this newfound power. Has anyone ever gone to a wedding or other personal event they were invited to over Facebook? I wonder if I said I was going to attend if they would set up a seat for me to eat like a fully invited guest at the event.

Its understandable if someone would kick me out of a bridal shower – after all, it’s a chance for newly engaged women to discover their lesbian within by trading sex secrets and having naked pillow fights – but what about a wedding or a bar mitzvah?


So which side of the family are you from?

"I’m a friend of the bride. We’ve never actually met, but she invited me online."


I am seriously debating doing this. Anyone want to join?

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