How’s Israel Doing in Eurovision This Year?

Actually, not bad! But tonight could be it!

Hannah Szenes’s Last Poem

On Yom HaZikaron, remembering the poet-soldier’s final message.

The Protagonist from ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ Is Jewish!

The eerie fictional podcast character was confirmed as a Member of the Tribe by the show’s creator.

Kristen Wiig is Dating a Member of the Tribe!

The actor and comedian is now dating one Avi Rothman.

UPDATE: Alden Ehrenreich to Play Han Solo!

Your Jewish crush is set to portray the scruffiest rogue in the galaxy.

Hey, Marvel, Where Are Your Jews?

Despite the Jewishness of comics, the films are whitewashed.

‘Dough’: Kosher Baker Meets Drug Dealer

Yes, there’s a movie about a kosher bakery in London with a special ingredient in his recipe – and it came out during Passover!

Two Jews, Three Songs About Hating the Seder

One cabaret night about the many definitions of freedom.