Marty Beckerman is the author of Dumbocracy (September 2008).
Sarah Silverman, everyone's favorite sexy Jewish comedian, appeared on boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel's show to deliver…
On Jesus Jerry Kellman in Busted Halo "The biggest lesson was learning the nature of…
Last week Jewcy reported on Mitt Romney's cringe-inducing racial pander, quoting lyrics from "Who Let…
On Nepotism Frank Schaeffer in Huffington Post "Nowhere is this division [between 'peasants' and royalty]…
Sissy Nation: How America Became a Culture of Wimps and Stoopits (Virgin Books, on sale…
Slate recently pointed out that Senator Hillary Clinton has some things in common with Tracy…
On Communism and Scientology Mark Oppenheimer in the Huffington Post After writing a Boston Globe…
Over the weekend Sen. Barack Obama crushed Sen. Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic…